Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Gacha Review: Durarara!! [Contains spoilers!]

Drrr! Whoa, these weeks those awesome sponsor gachas made in Atgames keep coming to TinierMe. First it's Hetalia, then it's Durarara!! What's next? *Curious*

And I love love OH LOVE this gacha. Awed at the vivid expressions that are present in the facial features, more realistic compared to Vocaloid or BB faces.

As well as Hetalia, I will review per character.
from left to right: Masaomi Kida, Sonohara Anri, Ryuugamine Mikado, Sturluson Celty, Orihara Izaya, Heiwajima Shizuo, Kishitani Shinra, Kadota Kyouhei, Karisawa Erika, Yumasaki Walker

Celty Sturluson the Irish Dullahan
Very clearly, Celty is the apple of the eyes of TinierMe designers. In total, there are 9 Celty items, including the only animated present in any sponsor gachas up to now--the Celty Shadow-- and the Campaign prize, a motorbike. I think she deserves it, because Celty is the only headless anime character I've known. And she's famous. She's a Dullahan! She's magical! /Shot
Fact: You don't need a pretty face to be famous.

Mikado Ryuugamine the Innocent-faced Protagonist and perfect ultimate uke
Pretty standard, or shall I say ordinary? Simple, clean, not much accessorizing. Face's too similar to Kida. Mikado's face should be more innocent-looking. Hair design resembles the canon one very well, still too spiky for MY taste :P

Masaomi Kida the Self-Proclaimed Idol (refer to manga series)
His outfits are more informal, and that's good. I like the matte shades of Kida's items, the dirty blond hair's hot. As for face, I wanted the Kida-ish sheepish grin with a Duchenne smile, yet it didn't really look like Kida. Am disappointed about the canonization, but nice item anyway.

Sonohara Anri the Megane-moe ;")
TM's Anri bears a very close resemblance with the canon one, including the bigger-than-ordinary cough breasts. I like the faces, they look very cute with hints of emotion showing.

Izaya Orihara the Human Lover
See? He really loves humans. *Wink*
Hair, check. The fur-lined jacket should be longer, and extend to Izaya's thighs. Expression is clear, annoying, but lacks lunacy, which will be a plus point. According to Durarara Wiki, his eye color is reddish brown (Some fans dub him Blood-eyed Izaya). Personally I think the eyes would be ten times hotter in red. (And with a grin like that^)

Shizuo Heiwajima aka Shizu-chan, strongest monster man in Ikebukuro

Should.Be.MANLIER! DX Hair's quite okay, need some extension and gel.  Face, WIN! I adore the evilish expression and huge grin.

Harima Mika the Stalker
Face's too gentle, doesn't go along with her stalker nature. Hell-o? Mika should wear knee-high boots (at least she does in the manga), not loafers! The hair and beanie combo's very cute, I sense a huge demand of it already.

Kishitani Shinra, Celty's worshiper
So typical of a mad scientist, Shinra. Thick, messy, broom-like hair and flowing white coat. Judging from the look of Shinra's face, it seems that he's hiding something...

I do really hope that TM will make more streetlife-themed gacha.

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